Password Agent version history
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Note: Cloud-related functions mentioned below work only on Windows 10 (build 16299) or newer.
- For cloud files sync status is now displayed on status bar, next to file name. Please note that Password Agent can know if a file is cloud file only if you use cloud software that supports Windows cloud file architecture (like OneDrive, OwnCloud etc). At time of writing Google Drive does not support Windows cloud file architecture, so Password Agent does not detect files on Google Drive folder as cloud files and any of the new cloud-related functions listed below do not work for files on Google Drive folder.
- If file has changed in cloud while being open/unlocked in Password Agent, notification is displayed, so you can lock the file to get it synced with cloud (open/unlocked files cannot be updated by cloud software as they are not writable to other processes). This only applies if your cloud files are detected as being cloud files by Password Agent (see above).
- New setting Number of old files to keep when saving (cloud) for cloud files (default value 1), can be changed in Tools | Settings. You can reduce or disable (set value to 0) making .old files for cloud files to speed up syncing (most cloud providers already have automatic file history). This only applies if your cloud files are detected as being cloud files by Password Agent (see above).
Also there is new minimum setting 0 for both cloud and non-cloud files to disable making .old files (strongly not recommended for non-cloud files). - Last modified dates of recently modified files and items now show text today or yesterday instead of full date, to make these easier to read.
- Item detail pane is now visible by default.
- Default value for setting Clear clipboard timeout changed from 30 to 60 seconds. After that time plain text copied from Password Agent is cleared from the clipboard.
- Now does not show “The following unlocked files have the same file ID…” notification if files have same ID and same base file name, but are in different folders (obvious copies).
- On the first startup prompts to confirm file locking settings.
- Improved detection of Firefox browser install location.
- Fixed too big buttons in dialogs when large fonts were used.
- Fixed missing window captions when Windows styles were not enabled.
- Updated installer to fix “Checking for Updates - Invalid client configuration file” error message when checking for updates on computers where Password Agent was installed in non-default folder. Program files not changed, these properly report version number as 2024.9.24.
- Added “Color tags” virtual folder to folders tree, so you can easily display only items having certain color tag applied. You can also drop one or more selected items to virtual color tag folder to apply this color tag to dropped items.
- Improved large fonts, now supports display scaling to about 250% plus separate text size adjustment up to 150%. It is recommended to use display scaling which also scales controls on screen. Accessibility | Text size (Windows 11) can make text even bigger, but controls in Password Agent remain too small to fit all text.
- Improved Note field behavior in item detail panel: now edit box is wider and Save/Cancel buttons are displayed above edit box, not right of it. Also Notes field now remembers last caret position and selection if you switch back to edit mode of the same field.
- Improved dark mode with new Auto mode (default), which uses dark mode automatically when Windows is set to have apps in dark mode (Windows 10+). Possible states of dark mode are Auto (default), Always on, Always off.
- Added command “Reset column widths” to View menu, View toolbar button menu and column header context menu. It makes all item list columns to be visible and fitted to current item list width.
- Added setting “Scroll item list by full pages”, by default off. Version 2024.8.1 introduced full page scroll by default, but that is inconvenient when scrolling by track-pad. So you can now choose whether to use it or not. By default when you hold down Ctrl key then items list will be scrolled by entire pages, otherwise as usual. Note that on older than Windows 10 you need to first click on items list to set focus there, otherwise full page scrolling does not work. *** When deleting items you can suppress confirmation message box by holding down Ctrl key then invoking delete**.
- Printing: Can now optionally append number of random characters to printed passwords to add basic protection to plain text printout. Print window now remembers last used printer. Improved error message to show reason of print failure. Fixed folder name not printed when “Folder” was included in fields to print.
- Password generator: Added “Save as defaults” button. Revised default password template to be 20 characters long (if generating by template). Improved randomness of very short passwords (1-3 characters).
- Default value of setting “Clear clipboard timeout (seconds)” changed from 20 to 30 sec.
- Context menu of search box now contains Paste command.
- Views editor now saving size and position.
- Installer now supports /D= param to override default installation directory. Can also be used in silent mode (/S param). /D= param must be last on command line and can contain spaces. Example: /S /D=C:\Password Agent. NSIS installer command line reference
- If you set color tag and multiple items are selected then all selected items now get new color tag, not only focused item.
- Improved folder pane icons to have same style as other icons in user interface.
- Fixed too small font in user interface (issue introduced in version 2024.8.1).
- Fixed missing window title text in dark mode.
- Fixed broken drag/drop of text fields from item details pane to external web browser/application (issue introduced in version 2024.8.1).
- Fixed missing indicator of focused field in item details panel.
- Fixed missing controls and invalid painting when no Windows theme was active (like with “Windows Classic” theme in Windows 7).
- Fixed images in image selector grid sometimes not entirely visible with large system fonts.
- Fixed confirmation message when deleting item(s) from Trash folder (notified that deleted items will be moved to Trash).
- Fixed full page scroll sometimes not scrolling to very end of the list.
- Fixed occasional “File not found” error message when switching to dark mode.
- Fixed invisible text (white on white) in autofill matching result window in dark mode.
- New dark display mode for night time or for persons who are sensitive to bright screens. This can be toggled by menu command View | Dark mode or by View toolbar button. You need to restart the application for the new mode to take effect.
- Added status bar which shows file name including full path and last modified time of the file. Added option “Show file size on status bar”. Last modified time of locked file that is displayed on status bar is updated on the background, so when unlocking you see if you have up to date file to open, in case the file was updated from the cloud or on network drive.
- By default few less toolbar buttons – new generic View and Copy buttons display respective popup menus. You can use View | Customize toolbar to make your own toolbar layout.
- If item text does not fit in display column and is ending with “…” you can now hover mouse over such item to see full text as hint.
- Added setting Select ‘Open read-only’ by default which selects Open read-only check-box on Unlock screen by default. When editing is needed then menu command File | Read-only or Ctrl+R shortcut can be used to switch into normal read-write mode. Useful to prevent accidental edits, so files can be mostly mostly used in safer read-only mode.
- Mouse wheel now scrolls entire page at a time in the items list, fixes slow scrolling of the list.
- Changed management of .old data file versions in secondary locations: In secondary locations specified by setting After saving copy file to these directories file history as .old files is not kept. If you change master password you should make sure you do not have old files with old password in secondary and backup locations, as these can be still accessed using your old master password.
- Reduced default number of .old (backup) files from 6 to 2. You can change this under program settings (Backup section). If you plan to sync to cloud then reducing the number makes sync quicker as there are less files to sync (each time you make a change then all .old files change too, so these will be synced as well).
- Supressed some security warnings by default. New unified setting Show extra security warnings (default value No) allows to see additional security warnings when high security is needed (when printing or invoking Password Audit). Removed existing setting “Show ‘Password Audit’ security warning”.
- File tabs have new commands Lock and Lock all others in right-click menu (file tabs are visible only when more than 1 file is loaded).
- After changing file encryption settings old versions (which were likely encrypted using previous settings) will be automatically deleted. That also includes files in file backup directory, if such directory is defined in program settings. So after changing password/encryption settings all old versions of the file will be deleted except previous version which will be kept for maximum 3 days in case you will be unable to unlock your file with new password.
- Added settings UserCanChangeToolbar and UserCanChangeSettings which administrators can add to settings file to disable changing settings and toolbar by end users. To prevent users changing settings add UserCanChangeSettings=0 to [General] section of settings file (.ini). You can pre-configure other setting at will in settings file and add this, then end users will not be able to open Settings window to override your pre-defined settings.
- Added Attachments button to item details pane to invoke attachments context menu.
- Revised item list context menu and Sort menu to be shorter, few less used commands moved under More submenu.
- Ctrl+F4 keyboard shortcut can be used to close a file tab in addition to Ctrl+W.
- When opening old version file (.oldN) notification is now displayed to help to revert to this old version, if needed.
- Tweaked sorting: when sorting by date field, sort now automatically switches to descending order to show newest items on top. Sort menu now shorter, less used fields moved to More submenu.
- Fixed case where “Failed to manage .old backup files of file…” message was displayed when .pwa file was modified while .old version file(s) of the same .pwa file were also open. Now .old files are opened in mode which allows them to be renamed/deleted at the same time.
- Fixed erratic attachments list box item height on item details pane. Also if multiple attachments are selected when invoking Save Attachment then now all selected attachments will be saved one by one, not only focused one.
- Improved readability in Windows high contrast mode.
- Fixed: Selected rows in item list were white when Windows UI themes were disabled (classic interface).
- Fixed narrow default column and panel widths in high DPI mode.
- Fixed very long Notes field text not displayed in item list.
- Many more minor tweaks.
- There are no mobile app related changes in this update. These will be incorpored into next coming update.
- Added password audit function that calculates password strength using ZXCVBN protocol and color codes each password accordingly, so you see which your passwords are weak and need to be replaced. You can invoke this function by menu command Tools | Password Audit or by sorting item list by Password column. Difference with ZXCVBN protocol is that Password Agent treats any passwords shorter than 12 characters as not strong, regardless of ZXCVBN result (which marks shorter passwords that have good entropy as strong). Note that ZXCVBN uses dictionary of common English words, but if you use common words from other languages in your passwords then such passwords are actually weaker than calculated.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to text fields in Item Details panel and now also possible to invoke commands Unmask, Assign e-mail address, Generate password etc by context menu (previously mouse only).
- Added security feature that notifies you that there were number of failed attempts to unlock a file while you were away. Helps to know that someone tried to unsuccessfully unlock the file when you were away.
- Removed size limit of file attachments. Although the program is not designed for large file attachements, you can still add them. But keep in mind that your tiny data file size grows and then it is not as portable and quick. It may be good idea to store larger file attachments in separate data file.
- Added autofill matching with Brave browser (, so you can autofill from PA to Brave browser without leaving Brave, using keyboard shortcut. If you want to use this feature you need to disable built-in password autofill in Brave (
- Improved Windows 11 compatibility.
- Improved CSV import: can create folder structure, auto-detect delimiter and columns, items with no password and user ID are now treated as notes.
- New simple import codecs to import passwords from 1Password, LastPass, Keeper Password Manager, Bitwarden and Password Agent.
- Various high DPI (4K) improvements (toolbar button spacing, Settings window etc).
- Updated program icon.
- New lightweight installer (NSIS) instead of MSI-based installer.
- Increased default key derivation function (KDF) iterations when creating new file (default delay caused by calculating password now 1+ second, was half of that). Can be changed by menu command File | Master password & encryption settings.
- This version contains built-in free license of Unlimited version for Ukrainians as a gift from Estonian friends. Free license is automatically enabled on computers where regional format is set to Ukrainian. This applies to both private and business users. Слава Україні!
- Updated user manual in PDF format (Help | User manual).
- Item details panel is now hidden by default, you can show it by double-clicking an item. If you prefer it to be always visible by default on start then change value of program setting “Item details panel visible by default” to Yes.
- Added Open link command to context menu of items list.
- Added notification that templates are editable.
- Added command Help | Remove license key to turn Unlimited version back to Lite version.
- From image selector removed alien, ghost, skull and few other images. If that was a mistake then please let us know. Actually we do not have a glue if and how many images you actually use.
- Fixed very slow export to XML, especially when attachments were used.
- Fixed slow pasting of many items.
- Fixed missing leaf image in Select item image window
- Fixed wrong font size of unmasked password when application was moved to monitor with different DPI.
- Many smaller fixes and tweaks.
This is free upgrade to:
- All users of free Lite version
- Users of purchased Unlimited version who purchased license in 2019 or later. For example, if you purchased in March 2019 and your existing version tells in About box that you have free updates until March 2020, then disregard what you see in About box, this 2020.10.1 version will work as complimentary free upgrade to any license issued in 2019 or 2020. If you have older license then this new version will work as limited Lite version, which can be upgraded to Unlimited version by purchasing discounted upgrade license.
- Security update: When sensitive data is copied to clipboard it is now excluded from Windows clipboard history. Background: In Windows 10 there is clipboard history enabled by default. That means everything you copy to clipboard is logged by Windows. You can access history by pressing Win + V on keyboard. Please note that clipboard is not a safe place to put your sensitive data as other programs can freely monitor it. Always try to use autofill whenever possible, instead of copy & paste.Improved autofill matching: When multiple items match web site link then PA prompts to select item to autofill from. Now if you send password separately after sending user ID, the prompt is not displayed and PA sends password of the item you selected to send user ID from.
- Added detection of new Chromium based Miscrosoft Edge browser. When autofilling to new Edge, PA will now detect if Edge has automatic sign-in enabled and will suggest to turn it off to prevent invalid user ID/password being entered.
- Improved item icons.
- Improved text search by toolbar search box: now if you type multiple words in search box, items matching all these words will be displayed (AND search), not only item matching exact typed phrase. So searching for “id card” will also match “ID-card”, not only exact “ID card”.
- Added keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown to navigate to previous/next file tab. In addition you can switch to certain file by Ctrl+F1/F9.
- Security change: Default length of generated passwords is now 16 instead of 20 symbols, but by default other non-character symbols are also included. This will take effect only when you have not saved your own default settings for new passwords. You can change these settings in Password Generator window to your liking.
- Added “Open destination folder” button to TakeWithMe window, results page.
- Removed “Print as graphics” options as it was not much more secure than ordinary printing. Windows stores print jobs in plain text spool files and contents of these files is easily viewable using special utilities.
- Improved message boxes: revised messages and message boxes are now positioned at center of the parent form, not center of the screen.
- Fixed: Default time in “Selected password expire time” popup window is now “0:00” instead of current time. Also, any expire times you set from popup menu (templates) are now 1 day longer, as calculation starts from midnight.
- Fixed autofill matching to some popup windows, where PA was unable to detect URL of page.
- Fixed oversized list box items in Customize toolbar window in HighDPI mode and other HighDPI improvements.
- Fixed condition where currently selected item was unselected in items list when moving program window from one monitor to other monitor with different DPI.
- Fixed condition where older .old files were not deleted after reducing .old files count via settings.
- Numerous other smaller fixes and changes.
2019.6.28 / 2019.6.27
- New crisp Office 2019 style toolbar icons, item images etc. Please note that graphcs is still work in progress and final set of item images is not yet completed.
- Improved usability of main program window, live splitters to re-size panels etc.
- Added per-monitor high resolution display (High DPI) support. User interface is scaled according to resolution of monitor Password Agent is displayed on.
- Added support to drag & drop text fields as alternative to autofill. To transfer contents of text field you can drag & drop field from item detail panel to web browser edit box. That is more secure than using copy & paste through clipboard and also more secure than autofill, which can be logged by key loggers.
- Introduced color labels instead of item image colors. Color count reduced to 7 main colors to make the software easier to use.
- Autofill to new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser.
- You can now rearrange file tabs by dragging with the mouse if you have multiple files open simultaneously.
- Added option “Shade alternate rows”, which can be set for each view separately using view editor (View | Customize current view). This makes it possible to have items list like in legacy Password Agent 1 & 2.
- Added command File | Revert to .old file which allows reverting to older data file version. This command becomes visible only when you have opened and unlocked an .old file (these file versions are automatically created on each file modification).
- Added option to invoke actions like copy to clipboard, open link, etc just by double-clicking specific field in items list. No need to open item details pane or right-click item to display context menu. For example, to copy Password or Note to clipboard you can just double-click on password or note in items list. Double-clicking on link will open the link, double-clicking on title will toggle item details pane etc. For this to work, set option “Double-clicking item will” value to “Do field specific action (copy value, open link etc.)”.
- Added optional “Sort by” toolbar button which you can make visible thourgh “View | Customize toolbar” command. In addition, “Sort by” submenu is now also accessible through item list header context menu.
- Added possibility to sort by Color tag.
- Added optional Attachment column and possibility to sort by Attachment size. You can also make Attachment column visible by view editor (View | Customize current view).
- Added import from generic CSV format.
- Added import from Chrome CSV format. First passwords need to be exported from Chrome in CSV format, which is not as straightforward as it could be. Do web search for “chrome export csv” for help.
- Added import from KeePass 2.x XML format. Folder structure and items including custom strings and file attachments are imported.
- Improved XML export. Now exports also attachments.
- Added command File | Change file ID to allow changing file ID in case you use multiple files that were copies of each other at one point. Copy and paste between such files did not work in previous versions.
- Changed keyboard shortcuts. To switch between file tabs press Ctrl+1..9 (previously Ctrl+F1..F12), this makes tab switching shortcut the same as in major web browsers. Due to that change Alternative View shortcut is now Alt+1 (previously Ctrl+1) and Unmask shortcut is Alt+2 (previously Ctrl+2).
- Improved drag & drop, which can be cancelled by pressing right mouse button during dragging.
- Taskbar icon now shows “key” overlay when any of open files is unlocked, not only when selected file is unlocked.
- Fixed: When field in item properties panel was in edit mode and another item was clicked in items list, properties panel kept showing data from previously selected item.
- Fixed: Potential autofill plain text leak to process memory.
- Fixed annoying system beep when pressing Return/Enter after editing text in items details panel.
- Fixed: Options were not saved on Windows shutdown.
- Fixed: For new items based on template and items made with Duplicate command or copy & paste, value of Date Added field was not set to current date, but was copied from original item.
- Fixed: Last modified time of any folder was always set to current time on file load, instead of maintaining original last modified time.
- Fixed: Attachments list not scrolling on mouse wheel.
- Fixed: Copy & paste between 2 different files failed when these files were copies of the same file at one point.
- Fixed: TakeWithMe window displayed wrong error message “Multiple selected data files have the same file name” instead of “Failed to find drive letter by label”.
- Many other fixes and improvements.
- Version 2019.6.28 improves 2019.6.27 by fixing Access Violation error on startup when Windows font scaling was set above 200%.
- File format in this release is not changed, so previous 2017+ versions can read files saved by this version.
Functionality to synchronise data files did not make it into this release and will hopefully be available by fall. I decided to offer this intermediate release to make all these new features and fixes available to you, as sync code needs additional work and testing. Also no Android update will be available this time. Lately I have been flirting with the idea that perhaps open source KeePass data file format should be used as native format in Password Agent in the future. There are plenty of apps for other platforms which can work with the format. What do you think of Password Agent interface on top of KeePass file format? I think that Password Agent interface is vastly superior to KeePass interface, including ability to decrypt secrets only on demand, one field at a time.
- Fixed autofill matching failure to aquire web page URL from new Chrome browser.
- System now does not beep when Enter or Escape key is pressed in search box.
- Print function does not print items from Trash folder when “All items” option is selected.
- Password field in item details pane was not painted using password font when editing password.
- License key file for all users is now stored in %PROGRAMDATA%\Moon Software\Password Agent folder (previously in the registry). Current user’s license key remains in %APPDATA%\Moon Software\Password Agent. See topic “Where is my license key stored?” in documentation for more details.
- Improved communication with web browsers.
- Fixed autofill matching to web browsers that use other than English user interface language. Earlier PA displayed message that it was unable to read web site address from your browser window.
- Fixed: Un-selecting text attribute “bold” for Title field in View Editor reverted to default on next run. Thanks to Steven S. for reporting.
- Fixed: Autofill matching included items from Trash folder
- Improved launching Microsoft Edge web browser (command prompt window does not shortly flicker on screen before displaying browser).
- Corrected spelling & grammar of user interface text. If you still notice mistakes please let me know.
- Fixed too large text in passwords popup menu in item details panel, when large system fonts were used.
- Fixed empty page from printer when content of Note did not fit the page.
- File | Open file location menu command is now available for both locked and unlocked files.
- Added new settings Default Sort Field and Default Sort Direction in case you are not happy with ascending default sort by Title field.
- Improved view editor. You can now customise item list even further to display desired text fields in bold or italic style plus can select custom text color. Default text color of all fields in item list is now black instead of gray to improve readability. You can of course change it back to gray and italic using view editor, if desired.
- Fixed autofill to Microsoft Edge browser in latest Windows build 15063 (Creators Update). Autofilled text now sent to any browser with less delay.
- Fixed autofill matching with Opera 45.
- Fixed rare error “RegisterPowerSettingNotification failed”.
- Facebook toolbar button not displayed by default. You can customize toolbar to have it as a button or choose Help | Facebook to launch FB page.
- All existing user licenses that expire before 31.12.2017 are extended to 31.12.2017.
- Data fields on item details pane now switch into edit mode on one mouse click (previously on double-click or pressing Edit button).
- Added program setting “Computer sleep/hibernate action”. By default open files are locked when computer goes to sleep or hibernation mode. Now you can override this behaviour in case you don’t want to lock files. Old version 2 did not lock files on this case.
- Revised toolbar icons and program icon. Note also that taskbar button shows now “key” overlay when file is unlocked (key inserted), previously it displayed “padlock” overlay when file was locked.
- Added Facebook toolbar button which will open Password Agent Facebook page. If you don’t need this toolbar button you can remove it by customixing toolbar (View | Customize toolbar).
- Password Generator stores state of settings panel visibility between sessions. If you press “Show settings” to display password generation settings and close Password Generator then settings pane is visible by default next time you open Password Generator.
- Various other fixes, tweaks and improvements.
- Note to Chrome browser users on 64-bit Windows: Google has 64-bit Chrome browser available for some some time already. However, if you have installed 32-bit version in the past when 64-bit version was not available then auto-update mechanism does not automatically update your 32-bit version to 64-bit version. To get 64-bit version you need to uninstall your 32-bit version first, then download the installer again and this time it will install 64-bit version. Your bookmarks and setting will remain intact when migrating, unless you select to remove them during uninstall. To make sure if you have 64-bit version of Chrome see version number on its About screen – if you have 64-bit version then version number has appendix “64-bit” like “53.0.2785.143 m (64-bit)”. If you want to read more about why you should move to 64-bit version of Chrome see this article
- If autofill fails because target process runs with higher permissions than Password Agent then error message is displayed explaining autofill failure.
- Fixed small fonts in Settings window that were caused by previous update. Settings window is now again protected from screen capture if “Block screen capture” is selected.
- Now if updater.exe is deleted from program directory then auto-update is not invoked and “Check for update” is not visible in Help menu. That way system administrators can block users from invoking update check. If program is installed as UWP app then “Check for update” command is not available because app updates will be provided by Windows Update.
- Password Agent is now also available as Windows app (UWP). Only Windows desktop is supported (no XBOX or Windows mobile versions). It is the same program, repackaged as UWP app, so it will be available via Windows Store. See Download section on web site to download .appx package to sideload on Windows 10 as Windows Store is not yet accepting desktop apps. Uninstall desktop version if you install UWP version.
- Password Agent is now available also without installer, as compressed zip archive. See Download section on web site. 2016.8.23
- Fixed occasional Access Violation error/crash when scrolling window.
- Fixed broken autofill when right side Ctrl and Shift keys were used to invoke autofill via hotkey.
- Fixed issue with screen capture blocking where some secondary forms were still blocked even when you unselected “Block screen capture” setting. 2016.7.14
- Added command “View | Keep window on top” and corresponding toolbar button. To make the toolbar button visible you need to customize toolbar by menu command “View | Customize toolbar”.
- Added mouse wheel support to item details panel.
- Now existing version 2.x installation is not automatically removed when you install new version 2016. After installing new version you can uninstall old version manually, when needed. Previously it was automatically uninstalled. Helper.exe omitted from installer.
- Fixed issue where Password Agent deleted automatically created backup of old version of data file (.v2 file) 30 minutes after upgrading file format. It now deletes data file in old format (.v2 file) after 30 days of migrating to new version.
- Fixed “Invalid variable” error message with autofill if password contained “{}”.
- Fixed condition where field being edited was not resized when item details panel was resized. 2016.7.8
- Added security setting “Block screen capture (return black window)” that is enabled by default. Blocking screen capture by default helps to prevent malicious programs from secretly recording your Password Agent window contents. Disable it only if you get black Password Agent window when accessing your computer remotely using TeamViewer, LogMeIn or other remote connection software.
- Fixed issue that caused groups list to flicker and scroll back to top when different group was selected.
- Fixed error message “Commiting a new jump list”.
- Fixed missing 64-bit executable when using Take with me feature on 32-bit Windows.
- If user data file is in “C:\Program Files” system folder then program will notify user that he/she should move data to Documents folder as system programs folder is not writeable. 2016.6.28
- Added back Autofill toolbar button that was present in version 2. It is not displayed by default, you’ll need to customize toolbar to make it visible (menu command View | Customize toolbar). It is not recommended to use toolbar button for autofill but global shortcut key, because if invoked by toolbar button autofill is not very reliable, plus you do much more work by switching between Password Agent and your web browser. If you use autofill please learn new “autofill matching item” function that was added to 2016 version, so you can autofill without leaving your web browser.
- Added new program setting “Lock on minimize”, default value is No.
- Improved Unlock screen: If you press Ctrl+Enter instead of just Enter after typing master password then after unlocking file Password Agent will be automatically minimized. Useful if you use mostly new “autofill matching item” functionality that does not require you to select item in items list to autofill from.
- Improved recent files list management so you can remove specific file names from the list one by one or use new “Remove all” command.
- Added “Lock” command to taskbar button’s tasks list (only visible when there are any files open).
- Added /LOCK command line parameter which allows you to lock any opened files in running instance.
- When starting editing Note field, text is not selected by default.
- Improved “No data file is open” screen with list of recently used files.
- Take with me: Added overwrite confirmation prompt if data file in destination is newer than source file.
- Added notification that explains automatic clipboard clearing after specified timeout.
- Fixed erratic behavior under remote desktop/terminal services session.
- Fixed “The specified module could not be found” error message on startup.
- If you have pinned Password Agent to taskbar then when running this version you may notice that it will create duplicate taskbar button and your already pinned button is not activated. You’ll need to unpin existing button first and pin it again.
2016.6.1 (initial release of version 3)
- Added documentation. I suggest to read it as I’m sure you’ll learn some new tricks.
- Added Go to item folder command to Item menu and context menu of items list. If item has no parent folder or parent folder is alredy selected in folders list then the command is not enabled.
- Added label displaying search options below search box.
- Old file versions again use extension .oldN as in version 2, not .backupN as in beta versions (as file is actually old version, not typical backup file). You can delete your automatically generated .backup files from your data file directory, new old versions files will have .oldN extension.
- Fixed Access Violation/Application Stopped Responding crash when dragging items. Thanks to JohnRF for reporting the issue.
- Fixed issue with notes of built-in template items. When creating a new item based on built-in template it was possible that multi-line contents of Note field of created item was on single line when putting Note field into edit mode (but it was properly displayed when Note field was not in edit mode). If you encounter this condition you need to update your built-in template item(s) in templates folder to have multi-line text in Note field.
- Fixed condition when new data file was created without having file extension “.pwa”.
- Fixed Open link command failure when Link contained executable file path that contained space(s) and no double quotes were used around the executable path.
2016.5.20 and earlier
- Multi-selection is possible. You can select multiple items to delete/copy/move/export/print.
- Hundreds of icons. Now you can choose from hundreds of icons. To change item icon first display item properties (double-click item) and then press button that displays item icon.
- Template items. Items in Templates group can be used as templates when creating new items. When you create new item based on template then all properties of template item are inherited. New item is a copy of template item, except title.
- File attachments. Now you can add external files as attachments to items. That is meant for adding only small files like license or key files and not for encrypting external large files. All attachments are kept in memory and embedded in data file.
- New password generator with policies. Uses cryptographically secure random number generator. Password length variable by default. Policies will be saved inside file (in preview not saved).
- Open multiple files at once. You can now open multiple files simultaneously. If more than one file is open you see tabs to switch between files. You can also switch to different file from keyboard by pressing Ctrl+F1..F9 or Alt+F1..F9. If more than one file is open then autofill function only fills from currently selected file. You can copy/paste items/groups between files in secure manner, no plain text is stored in clipboard.
- Two switchable and fully user customisable views. Each view can display 1-3 lines of text about each item.
- Autofill matching item. New “autofill matching item” function can detect URL from current web browser window, find corresponding item and autofill from it. There is no need to first select item to autofill from, in Password Agent, then switch to web browser. You can work in web browser and when you need to login, just press global “autofill matching item” shortcut and voila, Password Agent that runs on background retrieves current URL from web browser, find matching item, and sends autofill text to browser. No web browser plug-ins are used. See separate chapter below on how to use this new functionality.
- Unicode application. Now all text fields are Unicode, thus text can be in any language.
- More secure design. Data is kept in memory fully encrypted same as on disk. During normal viewing/browsing mode there is no moment in time where multiple fields of item are decrypted into plain at the same time. That minimises possibility of plain text leak via memory dump. Item fields are decrypted one by one only when needed to be drawn on screen. The same also in item details/properties window. As you see you can only edit one field at time, that is part of new secure design. That may seem uncomfortable but is much more secure. For key derivation PBKDF2 with SHA-256 are used. Possibility to choose AES or Twofish as encryption cipher.
- Added {SPACE} variable to autofill instructions. With it you can automate toggling check boxes on web forms.
- Settings window has new tab “File association” which allows to create/update or remove file association of Password Agent data files (*.pwa) files with Windows shell. During installation data files will be associated with the shell.
- Added setting “Workstation locked action” which allows to configure what Password Agent does when workstation is locked. Previously opened files were locked when workstation was locked and that is also default setting now.
- Popup menu of password field in item details pane now displays list of 5 auto-generated passwords. Click on desired password to assign it as new password for the item. For enhanced security this feature can be turned off by program setting “Show list of pre-generated passwords”.
- Password generator allows to define password policies which are stored within data file. Also default policy used to generate passwords for new items can be modified.
- Improved Open Link to open executables that require elevation. Now UAC prompt is displayed instead of displaying error message that executable requires elevation.
- Added global hotkeys to autofill only user ID of selected (Ctrl+Shift+D) and matched item (Ctrl+Shift+E).
- Can now drag items to Favorites virtual folder. That flags item as favorite but does not move it physically to Favorites folder as latter is virtual folder.
- Added setting to specify location of custom web browser (or program) you want to use for opening links. This can be used for all Open Link commands or you can just set some items to use “Custom” browser.
- Added options to specify default image colors for login and note items. New factory default is dark gray images, so the items list is not too colorful to the eye. If you like to have different colors for note and login items, like in previous betas logind items were red and note items were blue, you can specify custom color through program settings.
- Added option to copy file to secondary location(s) after each save. Separate multiple directory names with “;”. This is in addition to automatic old versions stored by the program in data file directory.
- Added customizable toolbar.
- Added option “Show item details panel by default” to make item detail panel always visible by default.
- Added options “Show icons in groups tree” and “Show items count in groups tree” to view editor, so you can define these options for each view separately.
- After copying field to clipboard taskbar button shows progress bar of remaining time until clipboard is automatically cleared.
- Added “Check for update” action and automatic update checking. Updater.exe is separate executable, main program executable does not connect to the internet. If update is found Updater can download and install new version, making updating easy. Updater.exe can also be deleted if desired to avoid any internet communication. There is also new setting to disable update checking.
- Improved item details panel. Now can define which fields are displayed in “More details” view. Editing fields in item detail pane also changed. Now clicking field temporarily unmasks it until mouse is released. Double-click to edit.
- Added support for opening links with different web browsers. Under program settings you can override default browser used for “Open link” actions and for each item you can also override browser, if desired. For this there is new “Web browser” combo box added to item details panel.
- When holding down Shift key during startup you’ll be prompted to load factory default options. Useful if main window has managed to move off screen etc.
- New action “File | Open file location” opens Windows Explorer with data file selected.
- Notification bar displays notifications that do not require immediate response so use of modal dialogs can be minized.
- Settings are now stored in PwAgent.ini file instread of registry. Helps with portability. Default .ini file location is “C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Moon Software\Password Agent” but if there is PwAgent.ini file in application directory (.exe file’s directory) than that .ini file will be used instead.
- Built in password validator checks new and existing master password and notifies about common/weak password. Built-in list of 10000 most commonly used passwords. These amount to over 90% of all passwords used by people and such passwords are easy to “crack” using automation and common password dictionaries. If you get notice about common password then assign new password immediately, otherwise 3rd party can open you file in seconds.
- Added Twofish encryption as option in addition to AES.
- Switch file to read-only mode (Ctrl+R, File | Read-only) or open in read-only mode.
- 64-bit executable PWAgent64.exe included. 32-bit executable PWAgent.exe will launch it automatically when it detects 64-bit Windows.
- Added option “Clear clipboard timeout”. Clears sensitive text from clipboard specified minutes after copying and when exiting program.
- Added option “Sensitive field mask” which allows to specify what is displayed instead of sensitive data. Defaults to ‘•••••’.
- Added option “Show more item details by default” which causes item details pane to be initially shown fully expanded with all item details visible at once.
- Added option “Exclude from autofill matching” to items. It allows to mark certain items to be excluded from “Autofill matching item” results (useful if you have multiple items with same links and want to supress multiple matches found window).
- Fully customisable items list views. You can toggle beween 2 views that can display 1-3 lines of text for each item. By default main view shows 2 lines of text in 3 columns and secondary view shows 1-line as in Password Agent 2. You can customise both views to your liking, make any view to display 1-3 lines and any number of columns. To edit view choose “View | Edit current view” or right-click column header and choose “Edit current view”. That allows to change currently active view (either main or secondary, depending which is active). New toolbar button “Secondary view” added, that allows to switch between main and secondry view.
- Open files are locked when user locks session or switches to another user.
- Uses embedded font “DejaVu Sans Mono” for password fields to make passwords more readable. Now easier to make difference between O, 0, I, l and 1. You can override that font if you wish and select any other installed font by option “Password font name”.
- Added option “Save state of Unmask button”
- Key derivation function new uses high number of iterations by default to make brute force password guessing attacks take longer. This causes about 1-second delay when opening a file.
- Autofill matching item can find item by process name. For example you want to autofill into another program like accounting program, not web browser. You can write executable file name of the program to Link field of item you want to match to this executable.