Password Agent shows black screen through remote connection

By default, Password Agent disables recording its screen to enhance security. This also causes remote access software like Remote Desktop, TeamViewer, UltraViewer, etc. not to be able to display the contents of the Password Agent window, as they are unable to capture it (a black window is displayed instead).

To solve this issue, you need to disable the “Block screen capture” setting in Password Agent on the computer where you have installed it.

Disabling “Block screen capture” by program settings

Note: This cannot be done remotely as you are unable to see the contents of the Password Agent window. You need to take these steps locally on the computer which you are trying to access remotely, where Password Agent is installed. If you can only access remotely, then see the next section.

  1. Run Password Agent.
  2. Invoke menu command Tools | Settings.
  3. Un-select setting Block screen capture (show black screen) in Security section.
  4. Close Settings window by pressing OK.

Screen capture blocking is now disabled. Note that a potential spyware program can now easily capture the contents of your Password Agent window, thus it is recommended to enable screen capture blocking again ASAP.

Disabling “Block screen capture” by settings file

If you can only access Password Agent remotely, then you can’t invoke the Settings window as instructed in the previous section. You need to manually edit the Password Agent settings file to disable screen capture blocking.

  1. Close running instance of Password Agent (make sure it is not minimized to system tray or taskbar).
  2. Open settings file PwAgent.ini (see Where are program settings stored?). If the file is not present you likely have not yet started Password Agent. You can start it and close it, that should generate the file.
  3. In PwAgent.ini file insert new line BlockScreenCapture=0 into [General] section (use copy and paste to enter the line, note the last character is zero 0 and not O).
  4. Save changes and close PwAgent.ini file.

Screen capture blocking is now disabled. Note that a potential spyware program can now easily capture the contents of your Password Agent window, thus it is recommended to enable screen capture blocking again ASAP.